My Story

Hi! My name is Madeline, but most people call me Madde. I'm a communications major at Northeastern University, concentrating in public advocacy and I plan on pursuing a career in nutrition.


Virginia was the first place I called home, and Boston is the second. I love everything about this city, and I couldn't be happier with where I am right now.


 My vegan journey began last summer. My friend and I wanted to lose weight, and she had seen a video of one of our favorite Youtube comedians, Jenna Marbles, talking about her diet. She ate vegan six days a week and then gave herself one day off. We grudgingly accepted that to be thin we had to be health freaks after all, and I was not happy about that. I didn't want to be a health freak. I didn't want to worry about what I was eating all the time, and I wanted to eat Cool Ranch Doritos whenever I wanted. I had been vegetarian for five years when I was younger, so that wasn't really a big deal. But giving up dairy too? It seemed too difficult, but for the first time in my life I let my will to eat healthy win over my will to just eat. Within the first few days I knew I had made the right decision.

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I made a tumblr blog (still have it) because my friend made one and it seemed like a good way to stay motivated. I posted a few recipes, and began to notice that people were really interested. I found all of my support through tumblr, there was no one else in Boston I knew that was vegan. I kept that blog running for six months, but had a large enough following that I decided it was time to move. So I created this site, I wanted to really be able to share everything I was learning.

So how have I been doing? I've lost 20 pounds since I went vegan in August, and I've never felt better. I changed my course of study so that I can pursue nutrition. I spend all my free time browsing blogs and nutrition articles. My favorite thing to talk about is food. I can't talk about it enough. All I want to do is educate people about nutrition. My defining moment was when I realized people care more about what they put on their bodies than what they put in them, and that it's wrong.